Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ten things: Brett Favre

A list of 10 things Brett Favre should do in 2011:

10. Delete Jenn Sterger, Randy Moss, and Brad Childress from his contacts, he won't be needing those this year.

9. Throw the football around at the local high school, you know, just in case.

8. Make a new Wrangler commercial.

7. Spend some time convincing the Packer faithful (or maybe himself) that he should go into the Hall as a Packer, because he should.

6. Pay off his $50,000 fine in monthly installments, or maybe just all at once.

5. Work on his communication skills since he will probably be asked to be an ESPN analyst or at least do color commentary for the local Vikings broadcasts.

4. Start writing his book, because you know there will be one out evetually.

3. Get 4 shadow boxes to hang his jerseys in: one for the Pack, one for the Jets, one for the Vikings and leave one empty, just in case.

2. Pay a visit to Lambeau, in the off-season, when no one is around.

1. The number one thing Brett Favre should do in 2011: RETIRE, for real this time!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, did you come up with this list on your own?! You are seriously so creative and funny lol
